Sunday, August 19, 2007

John Dewey - Experience and Education

I'm currently in Colorado staying with friends with my fiance. We are actually out here for a business meeting my fiance is having with the board of directors for a future business venture. So, I have my laptop on the counter in their living area and one of the wives of a board member notices that I have the book, Experience & Education by John Dewey and walks up creating conversation. At first, I'm thinking... "sure, he's famous for his writings... and she's probably heard of him, but not read his books..." but then she says that she was a student in one of the studies done at John Dewey's school. I'm thinking... hmm... sure. Then, she goes on to tell me that she went to school in Chicago and at the time, there was a grade school based on Dewey's writings and philosophy and until she was in middle school did she realize that she didn't receive grades, but other students did. She began to tell me more about this school. She attended it because the other schools around were dangerous and her parents went to the University there... providing safer schools for students who attended. She indeed, was a student who experienced this. How cool! I was actually bored of this book initially and then met her and now I'm interested to get back. I'll keep you posted. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.