Monday, September 3, 2007

My job - The Objectivist Approach

What better to do on my labor day then to read about objectivist and constuctivist theories of learning? :)

In response to some of the reading... my job certainly exemplifies an objectivist approach. Objectivism seeing learning as being done one way and having outcomes to prove that learning has occurred. This journal article would be difficult to read if I didn't have the connection abilities in my own life --sure glad I can relate it to something!

In the teacher world, we are taught to create lesson plans in our teacher ed. programs and once we begin teaching, they all go out the window. Anyhow, on those lesson plans, there are places to put "outcomes" and there are places to write the activities the students will do to achieve these outcomes. Some lesson plans even have a space for whether or not those outcomes have been achieved.

I believe my mind to be more along the constructivist approach in that I believe there can be more than one interpretation, meaning, way of learning, etc. I don't believe that you must learn "a" by doing one specific action or reading one specific book. I also believe that objectivism limits the learner in communicating with others to find meaning. Who is to say the professor/teacher knows everything? No one person is an expert.

I do think that constructivism is a little too liberal for me however... I might be about 75 constructivist on the continuum.

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