Monday, July 30, 2007

A little Overwhelmed...

I've got a lot to do.

I keep thinking to myself, it's Summer. You don't have papers to grade or lessons to plan for another month... but I'm a bit overwhelmed regardless. I am usually great at organizing my priorities but for some reason, I don't know what is more important, let alone what book I should be tackling next.

It's been a little bit of a whirlwind, but I really, really enjoy the readings and reflections so far. I like that the books aren't boring education novels/textbooks and rather books I can get into. I like even more that most of them don't directly target education rather more business practice.

Truth is, education is a business and it's about time everyone starts viewing it that way. Yeah, some may say that it sounds a bit callous and impersonal, but we really are SELLING the idea of content and learning to students.

Being a technology program, it's fitting that we actually take heed and join a generation of Web 2.0 "subscribers" and jump on the bandwagon before it passes us by (and man is it zooming).

Kudos to those who are seeing the need to change the way we view our education "business" and making changes to suit our generation of "customers."

Remember, we grew up in the ages of pong and atari... they have SO much more on us!

(if anyone cares, I still remember bits and pieces of the program code it took to boot up my Commodore 64 to get to the games!) .... comma-eight-comma-nine-return! (and wait forever because it took that long for the precious black and green-lettered screen to get the game going.

This is not my exact computer ... but it does bring back some sweet memories!

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