Tuesday, July 31, 2007

First check. Yay!

For the first time, I feel like I have made a chip in the pavement (for lack of a better word).

I finished an assignment. My webgift is complete... including the writing. And I am entirely happy with the progress. :)

Although I enjoy this program so far, it's definitely weird not completing one assignment completely before moving on to the next. We work on everything all at once. While consuming and a bit overwhelming, I like the idea of keeping assignments open for a longer period of time and not limiting our minds to continue building on our concepts, ideas, etc.

Regardless, it did feel good today to complete something. Yay!

1 comment:

Colette Cassinelli said...

Hey Brandy-
I've been enjoying reading your blog. You are into it girlfriend!!! I remember that same feeling of working on several projects at the same time and always feeling like I need to finish. Just go with it - the class is not about being DONE (are we ever really done?? -- sorry -- that's a reference to Stager's class.

It's so weird - now that I have all this time on my hands I find myself going back and reflecting on the things we did during the year. I was looking over my webpage and found myself saying, "I thought that???" I am even rereading some books. I know, I know. I need to get a life. I guess I'm still processing the whole experience.

Best of luck and remember I just a skype away if you need any help or a virtual shoulder to cry on :)