Wednesday, July 18, 2007

VirtCamp day #2, before campfire

My biggest fear about this year's OMET program is...

being able to juggle my entire life and enjoy all experiences simultaneously. I have a lot on my plate this year. In addition to this (intense) program, I am also working on my second year of teaching (a challenge in itself), completing the state mandated induction program to clear my credential, changing grade levels and getting used to a new team of teachers, and finally, planning my wedding. So, needless to say, I have a lot going on. Will I get through it, absolutely. I feel as though I have a pretty good handle on multitasking. I actually get mind-numbingly bored when I am given nothing stressful or challenging for more than a weeks time span. Before this program, I was renting movies just to fill time... mostly being anxious and forcing myself to relax as a sort of calm before the storm. Now that I'm here, my fear is not making use of all the awesome resources I am being fed (literally, my brain is eating it up!) and not forgetting too much of one thing that I can't take them away and re-create and use them to my benefit.

My hope throughout the next year is that I can use this degree to change and become a powerful contributor to my classroom, my students, and my own life. I hope for excitement and urgency to learn the fabulous tools that are being put forth in front of me. I hope I can understand Dreamweaver (you'd think that I'd get it after having already worked with it before... but it's just not coming naturally to me!) and create an awesome page that ultimately can lead me to passing my tech-y knowledge on to my students, my fellow colleagues, and my friends.

After all of this, though, I'm off to New Zealand, Tahiti, Morea, and Bora Bora (with future husband)!

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